The Belfry Centre is situated in the village of Overstrand on the North Norfolk Coast and takes its name from the lovely old school building in which it is housed. The Belfry School, which dates from the 1830s, was the inspiration of two prominent local women Sarah Buxton and Anna Gurney. They were pioneers of their time and built a school to educate local children many years before the Education Act came into being. They ensured that the building and their concept would remain a resource for local people by setting up a Trust, which meant that the building should only be used by the community for educational purposes. We are extremely humbled to have been given the opportunity to carry on their legacy and continue providing education, cultural activities and social support to our local community.
The Belfry Centre for Music and Arts is an asset locked Community Interest Company. This means that it’s primary focus is in the interests of the local community and operates on a not-for-profit basis. We aim to provide opportunities and services for all ages particularly where musicality, creativity and talent can be nurtured across all the art forms, but beyond that, we are committed to trying to make The Belfry Centre work for every member of the community. Do get in touch and tell us what type of events you would like to see more of at the Belfry Centre.